Terms of Use for InstaDLL

InstaDLL’s Terms and Conditions apply to any site user, and once you make a download, you automatically agree to the statements on this page. Our team encourages you to read them and keep in mind that they are enforceable.

Using InstaDLL? That means you accept these terms

It doesn’t matter if you are a visitor, viewer, reader or downloader, all users need to follow the site’s terms. We require you to respect the rules we present here as well as in our other informational pages, such as the Privacy Policy.

If we see activity from you that is contradictory to the statements on this page, we reserve the right to suspend your access to our Instagram downloader.

Your usage of our Instagram downloader is considered an automatic acceptance of these terms.

Who can use InstaDLL, and who can’t?

If you are over 13 years old, you can use any InstaDLL, the same age you are required to be to use Instagram and other Meta social platforms. If you are under that age, we ask you to leave the site immediately.

For safety purposes, we ask minors to use social media carefully and with parental or guardian supervision. Any sensitive or adult-oriented content found on Instagram and downloadable with our tool is not our responsibility.

InstaDLL is meant for individual users, casual social media members, content managers and even representatives of content entities. We do not ask for additional information about your identity.

Free to use service, InstaDLL does not require you to set up an account

Our tool is simple and does not require to sign up. There’s no account needed, and thus, you don’t have to tell us anything about yourself, your contact data, or your Instagram login credentials.

The only exception is when you complete the Contact Us form, where we need a name and email address so we can get back to you.

We keep your data safe!

We’ve explained what data we collect and store about you, your device, and your browser in our Privacy Policy page. We won’t rehash the details, however, we encourage you to read it and understand why and how we store details about you.

Your details are kept safe on our servers, which have multi-layer protection and are encrypted so you can remain anonymous. We guarantee that it is kept safe, and it can’t reveal any identification data about you or your Instagram account.

Downloading Instagram content: What we do & don’t allow

InstaDLL is created for users to download their own content exclusively. We disavow downloads of pictures or videos that don’t belong to you or that you haven’t created.

Keep in mind that saving another user’s Instagram content without their consent is considered online harassment and is against our terms of service.

We require you to respect this rule. If you don’t, we will apply the necessary legal consequences which might limit your ability to use InstaDLL’s Instagram downloader capabilities.

Forbidden actions on our site

  1. Do not download content that is not yours from accounts that are not yours/in your name.

  2. Do not repost other users’ Instagram posts anywhere online.

  3. Do not paste links from other users if you do not have their specific consent.

  4. Do not harass other users, entities, brands, etc.

  5. Do not engage in hurtful actions, like insults, insensitive remarks, cyberbullying, etc.

  6. Do not use InstaDLL’s downloader to make edits that might defame any other person.

  7. Do not make any step that is against a respectful, commonsensical code of conduct.

Details on Intellectual Property when it comes to downloads

InstaDLL simply provides files with content publicly available on Instagram. The original post and the full rights belong to the original poster.

We do not own the downloads we provide through our Instagram post converter. You don’t own it either if it’s not your original post(s), and, as stated before, you can’t use InstaDLL for content that is not yours.

We own the full rights to our brand, including our company name, our URL, our domain, our content and the visual elements of our sites. Any usage of these elements without our formal agreement given beforehand can become the subject of a legal proceeding.

InstaDLL is a trademarked product.

Disclaimer to our users:

We strive to keep a working tool that delivers quality downloads in under 2 minutes. However, our systems might have technical difficulties from time to time.

We will take action as soon as there are any major errors on our part. We are not responsible if errors appear because of your Internet connection, firewall, third-party apps or plugins, or any other intervention we had no connection to.

If you’ve noticed any errors when you tried to download an IG post, please contact us and explain what happened so we can start fixing it as soon as possible.

Limited liability of InstaDLL

InstaDLL is never intended to be used in downloads that infringe on copyrighted materials. We limit our responsibility in cases when users download copyrighted material originally posted on Instagram.

Similarly, we are not responsible for any unethical downloads that users make using InstaDLL. If such cases end up in court, we reserve the right to set distance between any unethical move and the statements on this page or the project as a whole.

Once you use InstaDLL, you automatically agree to the terms, follow the rules we specify, and understand that we are not in any way responsible for any legal conflicts.

We follow the current legislation

InstaDLL is a free online service that operates in accordance with the current legislation and respects the terms of Instagram regarding third-party services. We expect safe practices from our users, the same as we provide them.

In case any regulation changes, we reserve the right to make changes to our product, terms, and site functionality in order to respect future provisions.

Your safety and protection are our main goals and will remain through any minor or major change.

What will happen when these Terms change?

We reserve the right to make changes to InstaDLL’s terms of use at our discretion. Once a change has been made and noted in this text, it applies immediately. Your use after the change is in function means that you agree to the amended terms.

Changes will be applied in the following cases but are not limited to the following enumeration: when the current legislation changes, when Instagram services change when search engine requirements change or when any technical entity with which we interact, like an operation of your smartphone, has different requirements.

Further questions? Let’s chat!

If you want to know more about how we operate and what we require from you as a user, or you might have a suggestion you want to tell us, please visit the Contact Us tab. You’ll find a simple form that you must fill in, where we advise you to be as descriptive as possible. Someone from our team will get back to you as soon as we can!

User agreement recap

We remind you that the InstaDLL terms are meant to be followed exactly like we described them, and they are not flexible. They can only be overridden by local legislation. Your usage of the site is equal to you agreeing with everything posted here.